Kerry L Billstein

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Meet Kerry, an experienced Energetics mentor, biohacker, performance coach, and energy medicine practitioner who helps women achieve their fullest potential in life. 

With a passion for empowering women to live their best lives, Kerry uses frequency, voice harmonics and her abilities to access the Akashic to facilitate healing and personal growth. Her expertise in energy medicine, biohacking, and performance coaching makes her a trusted mentor and consultant to women from all walks of life.

Through their powerful connection to energy medicine & the power of frequency, Kerry has helped many women overcome physical and emotional challenges, and tap into their innate power and greatness. Her approach is grounded in the belief that every woman has the capacity to heal and grow, and that by harnessing the body's natural energy systems, we can unlock our full potential and create a life we love.

Kerry's dedication to helping women achieve their goals and live their best lives is truly inspiring. Whether you're looking to improve your health, find inspiration, or simply feel more empowered and alive, Kerry is the guide and mentor you need to make it happen. Her services are tailored to meet the unique needs of women, and she has a proven track record of helping her clients achieve lasting success.