Formerly a pioneer in digital/web art direction, Kirsty has a BFA (UNSW COFA) and an MFA in electronic and temporal art from USYD SCA 2003. She was a finalist in the 2021 National Emerging Artist Award, the NSW Fishers Ghost Art Award 2020, and the Victorian 2020 Klytie-Pate Biennale Ceramics Award.
Kirsty is a disability activist. She is Deaf with bilateral Cochlears implants, and she uses Auslan. A rare disease advocate, she is investigating developing new artwork engaging the deaf-blind, deaf, and blind communities to transform the gallery space, going beyond the tokenistic access model. She developed sensorial tableware, a disability pride project for the 12-month project with the Australian Ceramics Association exhibition TABLED at MAG&M.
In 2024, she was one of three finalists in The World Stage exhibition by Mansfield Ceramics and Art & Perception magazine at the Clay Gulgong (conference). Exhibited in VR and ceramics installation exhibition CeramicXR 2023. NSW TAFE Advanced Diploma in Ceramics and currently an Auslan interpreter student Cert-3.