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Kirtan Meditation Greenbank

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Hello Friends, my name is Jiva (Jane Robinson) and I have been a volunteer mantra meditation teacher with Australian School of Meditation since the early 80’s.   I have been living in Greenbank since 2002 and have met many locals from my years in our family business, “Booty Gift Shop” at the Park Ridge Shops. Another lifetime it feels, but lots of good memories.  

I now have the opportunity to offer monthly Sunday morning Kirtan Meditation at the Greenbank Community Centre on Teviot Road.  

  It’s a morning to relax away stresses (big and little) and practice 3 traditional meditations.   Yoga Breath and Japa meditation for quiet solitude, and Kirtan meditation practiced in a group.   *The 3 meditation techniques are fully guided step by step, and easy to do.