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Kobie Allison Psychology

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Kobie is a compassionate psychologist who has experience working with children and families, adolescents and adults. Kobie offers the following services:

Individual Counselling

Kobie provides a counselling approach that is non-judgmental and evidence-based. She has experiences with a range of therapeutic treatment modalities including: acceptance and commitment, cognitive behavioural, family systems, narrative, neuropsychotherapy, psychodynamic, and solution focused.

Kobie’s area of interest when it comes to her therapeutic approach is psychodynamic therapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy. Specifically, Kobie practices a contemporary form of psychoanalytic treatment called Self Psychology. The goal of therapy is to build a strong and cohesive self.

1:1 Peer Mentoring

Kobie offers 1:1 peer mentoring for psychologists and counsellors wanting to build their own private practice, or simply navigate the world of psychology services.

She will work with you to build a strategy around your own personal brand or private practice, sharing her skills and experience having opened her own practice, Modern Minds.

Working together, she will help you to feel confident moving towards your goals, with direction and clarity.

Event Hosting & Speaking

Kobie has hosted and collaborated with partners on various wellness and self-discovery events and workshops. She thoroughly enjoys working in a group setting, where people can share energy. Her goal through events is always to create a welcoming, loving space where people can feel safe to share their wins and losses, in order to come through feeling reinvigorated and motivated, or calm and centred.

To learn more about upcoming events or enquire about working together, click here.