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Kyle Pauro

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Hey fam,

My name is Kyle Pauro :)

I am a father of 5, and have been a Plumber Gas fitter & Drainlayer for 20+ years. I was born in Perth, Western Australia and grew up in Christchurch New Zealand, I was fortunate enough to play Rugby League and I pursued a NRL Career in 2011.

After having my third child I had moved to Queenstown in 2018 and for the very first time in my life I was alone, this is where I hit my internal 'rock bottom'.

In hindsight this was a necessary catalyst for creating the new pathway in my life. I was able to find solace in understanding that my life's obstacles were all part of a greater reason and my short term pain was directly correlated to my purpose in life. 

This time of introspection allowed me to become more self-aware recognising not only my own faults and pain but the pain I had caused so many other people.

Whilst counselling and therapy offer valuable benefits, I discovered holistic modalities were what really helped me get through the layers of programming and conditioning, and getting to the root cause of my non-serving behavioural patterns and childhood trauma.

Psychic Mediumship 

Back then I held a degree of 'healthy scepticism' and still do to this day. My reason was to debunk the theory that psychic mediumship was even legitimate. I had no idea of the profound affect that this would have on my life from my very first reading to eventually being trained as a Psychic Medium.

Sound Healing 

I've always been musically talented and have a natural ear for music, I have such a passion and love for playing instruments which was uncovered at the age of 5. It was a struggle for me to understand where music would fit in and in what capacity this would play. On the 'coat tails' of opening up many doors through becoming a Psychic Medium music came back in to my life through the form of Sound Healing. This would ignite my musical passion merged with my purpose in helping people.


This for me was a real game changer and a huge amplification tool for what other modalities I was using at this point. Not only did I experience a reduction in stress in my life, but it also improved my mental clarity and allowed me to embark on deep emotional healing. This has now become a non-negotiable in my daily routine and I wanted to know everything I could about Breathwork i.e different types, specific practices, how often I could do it, how deep can we go, how I can be trained in it so I can share this with my community.

It was in fact my brother Daniel who founded a company called Spirit Breathwork that propelled me into the world of 'Breathing'. My introduction to breathwork on my first retreat allowed me to truly experience coming to 'know thyself' through the power of breath. This liberating and exhilarating experience is what set in motion the birthing of my own business specialising in Holistic Modalities called Holistic Performance.

I realised in that moment that we all have a deeper calling and purpose to life and a lot of what we experience in life is in direct alignment to our purpose. For me it was my pain and for many others who I work with, they to came to realise that our pain is directly connected to our purpose. Acknowledging is the first step, processing, then comes acceptance and with time, healing. My 'lightbulb moment' was the need to help people and share these experiences and give others the opportunity to experience all of this for themselves. 

I truly believe the best leaders in the industry are those who continue to work on themselves on the deepest levels. Showing up everyday for themselves, then in service to others. One thing I remind my clients is that "I will never take you through a journey or an experience that I haven't walked through myself."

I live what I preach and I am who I say I am. We are not perfect by any stretch but we are beautiful just the way we are. 

We must remember that we are a master piece and a work in progress living life at the same time. Our healing journey isn't linear however our journey only begins when we take action.

I don't go by any titles I simply help people on a deep level and through my own experiences will teach you the tools to navigate life with better accuracy, deeper meaning with more self awareness, self certainty, self discipline and above all else self love.

When you truly come to know yourself you unlock your true wisdom "who looks outside, dreams; and who looks within awakes"

If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey, I invite you to reach out. Let's work together, come to one of our events, workshops or upcoming retreats and unlock your authentic self and create a life filled with purpose, abundance, and true love.

Big love

Kyle P