Divine Soul Expansion by Kylie Cole-Hamilton

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Welcome sweet soul, you were guided to me for a reason...let me share a little about my story and see if it resonates with you.

I am a soul explorer, reiki practitioner, intuitive spiritual guide and sound healer. I lead group meditation circles, hold workshops, and provide personalised sessions to help people awaken their inner power and live their infinite potential.

Several years ago I re-connected with my innate gifts through a deep remembering of universal consciousness. I am forever grateful to my ancestors and guides who have led me on journeys that have completely blown my mind and opened my heart wider than I thought possible.

Since then I have been on a deep soul journey, working through past traumas and undoing the conditioning that has led to me dimming my light for so long. 

I have learnt, and continue to learn, an incredible amount from some amazing mentors and teachers as well as my guides and spiritual beings. 

I look forward to sharing my gifts with you to support your spiritual growth.

Love and blessings,
