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Leadership Victoria

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Our vision for an inclusive, equitable and sustainable society

Leadership Victoria (LV) is the pre-eminent leadership organisation in Victoria, and has been delivering unique programs for over 30 years.

Our vision is for an inclusive, equitable and sustainable society, and our purpose is to develop, connect and inspire diverse leaders across all sectors to strengthen communities and tackle society’s complex and systemic problems.

We bring together diverse perspectives, life experiences, backgrounds and opinions, build the capacity of leaders as they share, collaborate and learn in a crucible environment, and create a trusted, enduring peer connection and a strong commitment to community.

Graduates of our flagship Williamson Community Leadership Program and our open enrolment short course programs are in key leadership roles across Victoria and beyond.

Leadership Victoria also partners with many business, government and community organisations to co-design and deliver customised programs for leaders at all levels, supporting organisational and systemic transformation.