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Light Castle Sound Healing

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Hey! My name is Olga, I am passionate soul from Ukraine who has found her way to the sunny city of Brisbane. My journey has been an adventure of self-discovery and transformation, leading me to pursue a life filled with peace, purpose, and love.

Before my Australian chapter, I was living in beautiful Barcelona, Spain, where I had my own Real Estate company and European lifestyle. However, the constant stress and demands took a toll on me, and I realised that I have to change something about myself.

In 2022, I embarked on a “one way ticket” journey to South-East Asia to look for answers and new experiences.

It was there that I found solace in the practice of yoga and felt a profound connection to the ethereal realm of sound and vibration.

As I felt a lot connection with sound and different healing instruments, I decided to take healers and sound facilitators courses in Thailand.

It all started as a personal journey, but soon blossomed into a heartfelt mission to share the transformative power of sound with others. Witnessing the incredible impact it had on people's lives, I had decided to introduce the Sound Healing experience to the Brisbane community.

With every session, my goal is to create a sanctuary—a sacred space where you can escape the noise of everyday life, reconnect with your inner-self, and experience profound healing on all levels. Through gentle sound and vibrations, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey towards inner harmony, peace and well-being.