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Lisa Rodwell

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About your Presenter: Lisa Rodwell ~ Lotus Healing

Lisa has a wide array of experience running women's circles, groups and working with people one to one. Lisa opened her business Lotus Healing in 2023 following her own postpartum journey. Lisa aims to inspire children, youth and women, young and old by providing a safe space for healing, relaxation, care, nurturing, connection to self and others, and events that bring together community and promote collaboration. 

Lisa has an extensive background in Social work, Counselling and Energy Healing, with over 12 years working in communities across Australia. She offers  a safe space for exploration for adult and their inner child through Intuitive, Spiritual and traditional models of Counselling, Energy Healing including Reiki, Crystal Healing, Massage, and Bodywork.

Lisa also draws her inspiration from nature to create unique modalities, tools and practices that can help individuals deepen their connection to self, connection to others and their connection to the earth.