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Lisa Sharp

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Join the Fierce Femme Circle and Discover the Power of Medicine Drum Making Workshops! 
Are you ready to unlock your inner strength and connect with your authentic self? Look no further! We are thrilled to introduce our transformative Medicine Drum Making Workshops and empowering Fierce Femme Circle, specially crafted for women like you who are ready to embrace their power and rise to new heights.

Medicine Drum Making Workshops

Imagine the joy of creating your very own sacred tool, a medicine drum that resonates with your unique energy and intentions. Our workshops provide a sacred space where you can learn the ancient art of drum making, guided by a skilled artisan who understand the deep spiritual significance of this process. You'll be guided step by step through the creation of a powerful and personal medicine drum, leading you on a journey of self-exploration and self-discovery.

 Fierce Femme Circle 

In addition to our transformative drum making workshops, we offer a supportive and empowering community of like-minded women in our Fierce Femme Circle. This circle is a safe space designed for women to flourish, find their voices, and build lasting connections with other fierce femmes. Through a combination of group discussions, Insight, and Shamanic healing and rituals, you'll tap into your inner strength, cultivate self-love, and unleash your true potential.

Why Choose Us?

 Authenticity: Our workshops provide a deep understanding of the sacred traditions behind drum making, honoring traditional wisdom while embracing individual creativity.

 Empowerment: Our Fierce Femme Circle is a powerful sisterhood where you'll find unwavering support, uplifting energy, and the opportunity to connect with other incredible women on their own empowering journeys.

 Transformation: Through the ancient art of drum making and the enlightening experiences shared within the circle, you'll embark on a transformative journey that will elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

 Inspiration: Immerse yourself in a world of endless inspiration that encourages personal growth, self-discovery, and fearlessly stepping into your own power.

Join us today and experience the magic and power of our Medicine Drum Making Workshops and Fierce Femme Circle. Together, let's find our voices, awaken our spirits, and unleash the fierce femmes within us all.

 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Reserve your spot now and be part of a supportive and empowering community that will propel you towards greatness. Visit our website or contact us at [Website/Contact Information] for more information and to secure your place. 

 It's time to embrace your power, connect with your tribe, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Join our Medicine Drum Making Workshops and Fierce Femme Circle today and become the fierce femme you were born to be!