Lissa of Sacred Thyme Alchemy

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I am an  Elemental Enchantress: Spiritual Mentor and guide for the Wild Hearts, Rule Breakers and Magic Weavers 💫

I work with the magic and energy of the earth to help guide you back through mumma earth, back home to you. I live and honor The elements that make up your beautiful spirit/ether essence, Earth, Air, Fire , Water. 

I am a practicing witch of over 20+ years, love all things esoteric, body somatic and body science goodness, mythology and legends of old, live really loud music, chasing the sun, dog obsessed, classic V8 cars and starry nights with my lover.

I am an activating channel that is here to share that energy with you in different aspects of your life that you need.

I work with the bones and help to release moments that you have stored within. I do this with using the Kanika Bone release Somatic Therapy. Its such a beautiful and powerful modality that has changed my life.

I am Your new potential Activator, your Holistic Mentor, your Spunky Sassy Spiritual Cheerleader, your Wild cackling witchy woman here to unleash all that is truly authentically YOU! .

If you feel the nudge and think my vibe will speak to your vibe. Reach out!

It would be such an honor to work with you.