Melinda (Mel) the soap maker and teacher from Love Bobbie Soapery, is a fifth generation soap maker who has been making all-natural, handmade soap for over 50 years, learning from her Great-Grandmother and Great-Aunts in the kitchen as a small child.
After losing her eldest daughter to Leukemia, from being contaminated by heavy chemicals and radiation at work during pregnancy; her lifelong passion turned into teaching with the goal of spreading the importance of using all-natural and non-toxic products on our bodies and in our homes, for the health of our loved ones, future generations, and our planet!
“I truly believe that sharing and teaching this information can be a catalyst for positive change, and we can create a safe and healing environment one bubble at a time!” Melinda Notley
Mel our teacher, formulator and soap maker is our 5th generation soap maker and teacher of over 20 years.