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Lucy Verde Roze

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Hailing from the dusty trails of Southern Africa, I was born into a privileged background, though I've certainly had more than my share of hardship - including my mother's suicide when I was a child.

Growing up in a religious, artistic and highly musical family meant that I was exposed to a spiritual, energetic perspective of reality - leading to my current World View from an understanding of energy, frequency and vibration. 

Though I don't identify as religious by any means, I appreciate the structure and support it gave my life growing up through heavy trauma. 

Being Zimbabwean-born and -raised through it's pillaging and complete destruction by our so-called leaders, means I have an acute awareness of both the good and evil on our planet. 

The wounding and the healing. The truth and the lies. The fear and the love. 

These are all aspects of our world that we must learn to navigate as we raise ourselves into mature, grounded, balanced, evolved, integrated beings.

After living out my late 20s and early 30s as a full-time activist and artist, building Paradise Rizing initially as a mental health support network for those of us dedicating ourselves to Peace & Justice, and going through my years of extreme Dark Night of the Soul, I'm here on the other side - ready to hold space for your light.

Paradise Rizing Studios is a deep well-spring, waiting to be filled with pure, bright consciousness of YOUR creation.

Please bring forward your passions, your truths, your inspirations to shine light into the darkness of our world, so we can all rise into harmony and freedom together. 

In Love and Learning,

Lucy X