Creating New Excitement Together,
Transcend the Boundaries of Stills and Video.
A flash in time, unexpectedly moving your heart. Important stories, needing to be shared.
We believe that anyone should be able to capture the sparks of life through photography and video and easily share them, deeply touching people’s hearts and minds.
We strive to enrich our world with inspiring photographs and video. That is our mission at LUMIX.
There are creators around the world who are passionate about expressing their vision. LUMIX offers a shooting experience that helps them take their creativity to new frontiers, allowing new kinds of expression that simply didn’t exist before. Its ease of use and sensible workflow enable creators to capture their ideas without stress. With our focus on photographic excellence and cinematic quality, creators will sense the craftsmanship and our persistent pursuit of perfection.
We aim to be an essential partner for creators, supporting their creativity. Beyond conventional thinking in cameras, LUMIX aims to be an indispensable force in the evolution of photography and video, and we will continue our efforts to achieve this.