Magida Ezzat

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Hi, I’m Magida - an advocate for natural, somatic-based healing methods that don’t require years of therapy or reliance on medication.

My ultimate passion is to help break the cycle of transgenerational trauma and fix our broken medical and mental health systems.

But this journey isn't just about healing - it's about holding space in a very gentle way and guiding you back to your own wholeness, self acceptance and ultimately self love.

With a foundation in several somatic modalities, I've developed a powerful toolkit grounded in evidence-based and trauma-informed methods to deliver a nurturing environment where your healing journey can flourish.
In terms of my specific qualifications - I've delved deeply into the world of NLP, hypnotherapy, trauma-informed breathwork and embraced all forms of somatic healing.

Beyond these, I've also nurtured my innate talents in energy and intuitive healing practices. It's this entire symphony of knowledge that I bring into every healing space I am a part of.
I offer those who join us a gentle and non-judgmental space where you can be seen, held and supported as you navigate your chosen healing path.

Because you deserve to heal. And I will advocate for you. For a better system. For a better way!

I hope you will join us,
Magida xx