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Mara Louisa

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Mara is midwife through transformation, supporting people on their soul spiritual journey. She has this beautiful ability to see into the soul of all those she meets and works with. 

She is an activator; meaning she can assist clients seeing their own gifts, talents and magical abilities.

Mara is a shamanic healer, transformational life mentor/coach, retreat guide; spider-medicine weaver and networker; educator, author, holistic counsellor. She trained with the School of Shamanic Womancraft. She values love, magic, nature, connection, nurture, inner power, shamanic practices, music and play.

I am dedicated to humanity remembering their innate nature of love.

My mission is to be in service to community, families, children and our dear Mother Earth.

Coming into circle with others bringing support, wisdom, compassion and love.

To see, hold, hear, love with the ears of my heart. 

I do hope you will join me. Love Mara xx