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Mari Graber

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Hello there, I'm Mari!

I'm an Empowerment Mentor with expertise in emotional well-being.

I firmly believe that our power to be confident + love and accept ourselves lies in our emotional awareness and maturity. Our emotions serve as bridges to our Soul, to our Energetic and Spiritual bodies. Unfortunately, we have learned to bottle uncomfortable emotions, suppressing them deep within, failing to realise that all that stagnant energy will only cause more pain, being emotional or even physical. 

Remember: "What you resist, persists". The more we avoid dealing with our emotions, the worse it'll get.

I studied many Healing modalities such as Quantum Being (Deep Listening of Emotions), Theta Healing, Reiki, Access Bars, Family Constellation, Shamanic Sexuality and others. My Mentoring and Therapy processes are profound and transformational, shaped through years of study and practical experience with my clients worldwide.

If you want more information on how to work with me, please get in touch through email or Instagram.

I am honoured to be at service :)

With love,
