Marie Clark Musical Theatre's logo

Marie Clark Musical Theatre

Marie Clark Musical Theatre's logo
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Marie Clark Musical Theatre (MCMT) is a progressive performing arts musical theatre company based in Adelaide. We strive to nurture talent and produce high quality musicals for the community to be involved with and to enjoy.

Our objectives are to:

  • Promote an appreciation of live theatre within the community;
  • Provide entertaining public performances of live theatre involving acting, singing and dancing; and
  • Encourage performers of all ages to develop their talent and self-confidence in musical theatre performance.
  • Our company values are: Respect, Inclusiveness, Balance and Community.

We are 100% volunteer-run and we gratefully acknowledge the efforts and countless hours our volunteers have dedicated to the company over the years.

In 2024, our company is proud to be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its very first production, Trial By Jury, and we look forward to continuing the legacy of our founder, Marie Clark.