Lantern Workshops with Meg's logo

Lantern Workshops with Meg

Lantern Workshops with Meg's logo
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You might know me as a playgroup leader...
You might know me as a lover of all things crafty...
Did you know that I am also a budding Steiner Handwork [Craft] Teacher? I am!

To prepare for mid-winter, I'm offering a series of lantern-making workshops to students from 1st to 8th grade. Each grade will have their very own type of lantern to make which is chosen especially to tie in to the Steiner curriculum for that year.

Once we have made our lanterns, we will all gather together to celebrate mid-winter, with a special exhibition of lanterns for the whole family to attend. Further details will be provided after booking.

About the workshops

  • Please only book in for the workshop that relates to your child's current year at school (or the age-based equivalent if homeschooling).
  • Each workshop will run for an hour.
  • There are only 10 spots available in each workshop.
  • A parent/guardian is required to remain on site during the workshop.
  • I have a current WWCC check and Public Liability Insurance for these lantern making workshops and the exhibition.

Photography consent

I will be taking photographs to document these workshops and the exhibition as part of an assignment in the Waldorf Handwork Educators teacher training course. These photographs may be used in my written assignment (submitted digitally to the staff of the course) and in an online presentation of my work to students and staff of the course in December 2023. A recording of this presentation will be available for students and staff of the course to view online following the presentation for approximately one year. Individuals in the photographs will be identified only by their school year, not by name. By booking in to a workshop you are granting consent for photographs of your child and their work to be taken and used as outlined in this paragraph.