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Megan Elizabeth, M.E. Wellbeing

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My journey into wholeness began as a teenager with my first enquiries into why my body was sensitive to many of the foods I was eating, my path led me into exploring nutrition, herbalism, magic, shiatsu, spiritual mediumship, meditation and intuitive healing systems of all kinds. Some of the learnings and courses I took, such as Kundalini Yoga, I attended for the pure enjoyment and pleasure they brought to me - mind, body and soul, but others were my ways of searching for explanations, a fix, something, anything to explain and 'cure' what I had believed to be wrong with me. I earned a Diploma of Holistic Kinesiology, became a certified Wu Tao - the dancing way teacher, almost completed Kundalini Yoga teacher training, and became more and more determined to FIND myself with each learning along my path being a richly valuable resource and stepping stone, guiding me on.

Along my way, I found myself falling deeply into the depths of darkness, through being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety, Panic Disorder and other more serious conditions from a psychological viewpoint, and taking strong medications for 7 years to mitigate the symptoms. After time, it was concluded that I had been misdiagnosed and have since been diagnosed differently. Further to that, recent discussions with inspiring new connections have opened me up to a very different and exciting possible explanation, so there's more about me to be curious about and discovered. I am healthy now, satisfied with where I am and super excited for the unfolding of more...

I attended a very supportive Mediumship Circle for many years, and found it to be rewarding, but also lacking in the sense of community and connection outside of the one hour a week in circle. What that highlighted to me was that I knew there was a way that I wanted to hold circles that were not only supportive and welcoming, but full of joyfulness and safety, provided opportunities for gaining deep insights by way of focused inquiry and intention and encouraged a sense of connection, support and community while in the circle and in between.

Welcome to Sacred Temple Healing Circle