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Megan J Riedl
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A professional wordsmith, prolific creative, super solo mum and autistic woman, Megan J Riedl is an award-winning spoken word poet and feels out loud in a range of mediums including collage, zines, theatre and podcasting.

Combining the personal and political, Megan leads by example in standing up, showing up and speaking up, sharing the messy, human experiences that often go unspoken.

A powerful spoken word performer, Megan’s poetry fearlessly gives voice to the secret stories we tell ourselves. Megan’s playwriting explores themes of identity, belonging, truth and power, highlighting issues of social justice. A collaborative theatrical director, Megan creates beautiful worlds of stylised realism.

In the spirit of ‘feeling out loud’, Megan practices expressing herself in multiple modes including collage, watercolour, linocut, video and sound.

Megan is currently the President of Ballarat National Theatre and co-host of In What World podcast.

Megan lives on stolen Wadawurrung land in Ballarat, VIC, Australia, and acknowledges that sovereignty was never ceded.

See Megan’s full list of credits or read her artist bio.