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Megan Levett

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Welcome, I'm Megan Levett. My journey through the transformative power of breathwork has reshaped my life in ways I never imagined. Breathwork has guided me from the shadows of anxiety, PTSD, depression, addiction, people-pleasing, physical injuries, illness and fear into a life of authenticity, connection, joy, and freedom. Now, I am honoured to help others navigate their paths to healing, and empowerment and discover the healing power of their breath.

My journey with breathwork is deeply rooted in intuition and a sacred connection to the spiritual realm. I guide myself and others through transformative sessions, creating safe, sacred spaces for exploration and healing. Each session is a journey into the depths of your being, supported by intuitive guidance and profound spiritual connection.

My mission is to EMPOWER individuals to overcome trauma and disruptive patterns through transformative breathwork, fostering deep self-belief and the discovery of their authentic selves. We provide a supportive and respectful environment that nurtures health, wellness, and alignment, enabling each person to embrace a life they truly love. My vision is to co-create a world where people are in love with their lives, empowered by self-belief, and living authentically in full alignment with their true selves in a global community where individuals from all walks of life can achieve personal abundance and respect for each other through our worldwide breathwork and coaching services.

Breathwork is more than a practice; it's a profound journey into self-discovery and healing. Trauma often lingers in our bodies, resulting in patterns and behaviours that limit our true potential and do not serve us. Through breathwork, we can access these deep-seated traumas, gain insights, and release them, fostering a profound transformation.

I am dedicated to providing a variety of breathwork sessions tailored to support your unique journey:

Virtual and In-Person Group Breath Awareness Sessions

These sessions are designed to integrate breathwork into your daily life, balance your nervous system, enhance your breath/body connection and promote ongoing well-being.

Trauma Release Deep Breathwork Sessions

Dive into deep, transformative breathwork to access and resolve deeply stored trauma. These sessions are designed to help you break free from limiting patterns and embrace healing, while also bringing regulation to your nervous system and encouraging nervous system flexibility.

Join our community of like-minded individuals in our group sessions. Experience the power of collective energy and support as we journey together towards healing and growth.

One-on-one coaching and Private Sessions

Tailored to your specific needs, these sessions offer a safe and supportive space for deep personal transformation and growth.

International Coaching and Breathwork Facilitation

I offer personalised coaching and breathwork facilitation to individuals and groups worldwide, helping people from all walks of life embrace their true selves and live authentically.

Connect with Me

If you have any questions or need more information about our sessions, please reach out. I am here to support you on your journey to health, wellness, and alignment. Together, we can breathe new life into your path of self-discovery and transformation.