Michele Elliot is a visual artist, educator and occasional writer, living and working on Wodi Wodi Country. Her practice spans textiles, sculpture,
installation and drawing. Her artworks are material explorations in
relation to human connectivity, mapping and memory. She has been
exhibiting across Australia for over three decades, as well as in India
and Singapore.
Michele brings many years of teaching experience in drawing,
textiles and sculpture to her workshops in the Illawarra, in regional NSW and
interstate. Michele works with community and has been facilitating Tender
Funeral’s Sewing Circle as part of their After Care program for five years. She has assisted families to create rituals and remembrances for their deceased persons. Michele offers 'shroud making workshops : a day of cloth and conversation' on a regular basis, locally and interstate.
Michele has been the recipient of state and federal funding for
several projects and residencies. In 2022, she was awarded an arts
project grant from the Australia Council for the Arts to research,
develop and present new work at the Wollongong Art Gallery. Her exhibition - what is held, is here - ran from June - August 2024. You can read the Gallery's Q&A with Michele here.
Her artwork is held in collections at Artbank, Wollongong Art Gallery, University of New South Wales Library, the Art Gallery of
Western Australia, the Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art, the Lawrence
Wilson Art Gallery at UWA and in private collections.