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Michele Peppler

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Meet Michele

 Hi beauty, I'm Michele! A Gold Coast/Melbourne based mentor, facilitator, author & change catalyst, deeply committed to helping you to own your truth, live from your soul and lead from your heart.

I work with women who want to make a difference in the world, live passionately, experience rocking relationships, soulful connection, radical self-love and awakening every day to do what you love, because you love it!
 Over the past twelve years I’ve guided hundreds of spiritually awakening women & aspiring change-makers to create richer, fuller lives, becoming better versions of themselves through purposeful living, evolutionary relationships, and soul-aligned business.
 I'm on a mission to help awaken the world through deep connection with ourselves and each other. If you're a woman who knows she's here for something more, but not sure what or how to get there, you're in the right place! 

Want to know more? Read my story..