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mindingu is situated on a picturesque 10-acre property in the Ferguson Valley and runs  a series of well-being courses on stress management, mindfulness, meditation, relaxation and mini retreats. 

Most of our courses draw heavily on the framework of Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC).  ACC is a powerful, evidence-based model for helping you to live a rich, full and meaningful life.    By practicing both mindfulness and values-guided action, we begin to thrive not just survive.  We can savour and relish what life has to offer as well as developing greater flexibility to deal with life’s inevitable ups and downs. 

At mindingu we are committed to delivering and developing quality information in professional, fun and creative workshops.  Our courses provide practical tools and techniques that participants can apply directly to their daily lives.  Our courses offer sustainable change and each participant leaves with a practical plan for going forward.  

At mindingu, you'll experience a warm and supportive environment within our carefully crafted well-being centre. We truly understand the commitment it requires to prioritise self-care amid life's demands and aim to make your experience both nurturing and transformative.