I was born in Indonesia. My earliest memory of learning to massage was around five years old walking up and down my Mum’s back whilst bracing my hand on the wall. This developed into massaging her head when she had a headache, tracing the veins to find the source. In my primary school years, I became the person whom family and friends would seek out for massage. I would watch the local healers in their massage practice, fascinated by how they knew where the work needed to be done.
This inspired me to nurture my abilities and over more than 20 years I have honed my intuitive skills and combined my formal training knowledge to look beyond traditional borders and achieve the best outcome for my clients.
When I was nine we moved to London permanently. It was a stark contrast to my homeland: the weather, the people and the general atmosphere. After school I completed a Public Relations degree, and worked in London broadcasting - as PA to a well-known children’s TV producer. One day during a ‘wrap’ party I massaged a crew member’s shoulders and she remarked that people would pay good money for a massage like this. I had an ‘Aha’ moment, realising that my gifts were something I not only enjoyed immensely but something could make a career from.
After continuing my travels around the world, I met my kiwi husband and settled in Auckland, now raising our two children. When I am not working I enjoy the arts and cinema, girl’s weekends, making good food, and long walks in the bush or on the beach with my fur-baby, Monty.