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Mira Chorik

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Mira Chorik is a songwriter who makes art. Her melancholy folk layers bitter-sweet poetry and warm-honey vocals to tell the unadorned story of the heart. She crafts live performance spaces that invite participation, emotional intimacy and audience connection. She’s also a facilitator with a bunch of experience: running workshops at retreats and community development conferences; facilitating meaningful conversations in Council settings through participatory artmaking; developing online and face-to-face courses; facilitating singing groups; yoga and meditation teaching, community theatre work; and facilitating small and large group processes (70+ people) at loads of retreats over a decade. She hosts the Sunshine Coast Songwriters Roundtable, now in its fifth year - a supportive space devoted to helping songwriters understand their unique voice and who they are as artists (rather than heady conversations of “right” and “wrong” and what makes a song “good” or “bad”).