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Mojo Mama

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We are 2 Mums of littlies in business who are on a mission to support other beautiful Mums and families in our Bribie Island and surrounding local community.

Through conversations we were having in our day to day activities at childcare drop offs, swimming lessons and playdates, we quickly learned that many mums of young children were feeling isolated, alone or stuck in their own journeys of motherhood and we decided we wanted to make some positive change. And so the idea of Mojo Mama was birthed over many coffee chats, playdates and voicemail messages back and forward with each other.

Mojo Mama exists to create safe spaces and events for Mums and families to come together to connect and celebrate each other and re-ignite their social mojo through beautiful social events, and our newly created Mojo Mama Biz Collective which is a fabulous brains trust of local Mums in business supporting and empowering each other to thrive and grow their businesses.

All of our events have the same rich theme flowing through them - the coming together of women (and their families) in a non competitive, non judgmental way to uplift each other, to feel inspired, motivated, foster deeper, more meaningful relationships,  build new friendships and to thrive in life and in business.

We are so pleased that you're here,

Miranda and Eileen

Co-founders of Mojo Mama
