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Morris and Tammy

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I was born and grew in London, married to Mike we have three adult daughters, we emigrated to Christchurch in Sept 2000. I am businesswomen, volunteer, wannabe gardener, family history researcher and DNA detective (and that's another story!!).  

In ​Dec 2022 we moved to central Christchurch, Mike started a 3-year Bachelor of Music at Ara Jazz School (Saxophone) and I started working for part-time for the Christchurch Tram for the 2023/4 summer cruise ship season, selling tickets and helping visitors with local information and my personal stories of the earthquakes as well as moving to and living in NZ. 

Morris is a Staffy Kelpie cross he is 8 years old he loves meeting new people, sniffy walks and lots of treats. Morris and I unexpectedly found each other on 12th March 2022. 

Life is short - Do what you LOVE!!!!