Multicultural Communities Council of SA's logo

Multicultural Communities Council of SA

Multicultural Communities Council of SA's logo
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Multicultural Communities Council of SA is the peak organisation that efficiently services, innovatively empowers, and strongly advocates for cultural and linguistically diverse communities in South Australia.

The Multicultural Communities Council of SA aims to:
1. Effectively respond to identified social isolation, disengagement and social disadvantage felt by the most vulnerable people within CALD communities.
2. Empower people from CALD backgrounds as active and valued contributors to all aspects of South Australian society.
3. Be recognised as a source of expertise and strong advocacy for the needs and aspirations of CALD organisations, communities and individuals.
4. Build social cohesion and understanding of cultural differences through respectful collaboration with, between and beyond CALD communities.
5. Ensure the sustainability of the organisation through innovative approaches to funding, retention of skilled staff and strategic partnerships.
6. Be an ethical, transparent and accountable organisation.