Mumbai Donut CoLAB

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The Mumbai Donut CoLAB aims to become a true collection action movement, with space for anyone who wishes for a better future for Mumbai. The long-term goal is to “help bring Mumbai into the Donut,” into the zone of sustainable prosperity to improve the lives of each of the 20 million people who live and work here.

NGOs, businesses, citizens, startups, media and governments are welcome to join our sessions, meetings and events, and become members and partners. Our action plan will evolve as we move forward, but a few organizing principles are emerging.

I. To work as an inclusive Collective—across sectors, silos and types of organizations

II. To bring various stakeholders to a common table, to listen, learn, plan and act using a systems thinking approach—with openness and trust

III. To focus equally on short-term and long-term outcomes

IV. To take a holistic perspective on quality of life and well-being of everyone in the city

V. To understand problems deeply, and evolve practical, even if imperfect, solutions that can be actioned, while being watchful for unintended consequences and side-effects