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Mystic Soul Sounds

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Lena is a Sound Alchemist from Germany. 

Her search for deeper meaning, purpose, and her true Self has led her to many countries all around the world. Along the way she discovered and studied the wonderful healing abilities of yoga, herbal medicine, energy healing, and breath work. However, she was most profoundly transformed by the power of sound and vibration. 

Having been a musician from a young age and having taken inspiration from other cultures and healers on her travels, Lena followed what was an unmistakable calling and started creating sound healing experiences. 

These intuitively led journeys combine Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, guitar, chimes, percussion, and voice as the main instrument - an immersive experience for everyone with the intention to relax and heal on deeper levels, reconnect us with ourselves and spirit, and open us up for guidance, to ultimately foster authentic expression and realign us with our highest purpose and inherent gifts.

Lena is a certified Holistic Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner. For more info and to book 1on1 treatments visit