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Nanga-Mai Hypnosis / Nancy Solook

Nanga-Mai Hypnosis / Nancy Solook's logo
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Nancy Solook is a Board Certified Hypnotist with over 500 hours of training from Avalon Hypnosis and Training Center. She has studied with Katheryn Napier, Shelley Stockwell-Nichols, and Robert Otto.

She is a member of IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) and IHF (International Hypnosis Federation).

Nancy works with a variety of cases and clients.  She specializes in PTSD and Anxiety*. She has had great success utilizing hypnosis for weight control and the breaking of bad habits… ie: smoking, nail biting.

Nancy is very skilled and able to guide you into a trance state to help you relieve stress, let go of trauma, or break bad habits.

She utilized calming mantras and a variety of regression techniques to help you become the person you want to be… can be… and deserve to be.

*Medical conditions require a physician's referral


  • Over 5 Years in Practice
  • School:  Avalon Hypnosis and Training Center / Graduated 2016
  • 2nd Level Adept Practitioner/Mage in the Lineage of the Ancient Mystery Schools - King Soloman
  • Qabalist
  • Certified Remote Viewer
  • Reiki Master


  • HEA - Florida Hypnosis Education Association - Board of Trustees - Member since 2016
  • IHF - International Federation of Hypnotists - Member since 2016
  • IACT -  International Association of Councilors and Therapists - Member since 2017
  • IMDHA -  International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association - Member since 2018
  • AMS - Ancient Mystery Schools - Member since 2017