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Natali Brown

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About Natali

After surviving a horrendous bus crash in Melbourne which hit a low lying tram bridge in February 2016 Natali received a clear message from The Divine that her "work here was not yet done". Doctors were amazed at how quickly her injuries were healing.

Living proof that we do have the ability to heal our bodies, this was not Natali's first time healing herself. When she was 18 doctors found cancerous cells in her cervix and she decided that her life was not going to be defined by this illness. She healed herself and received the all clear from doctors just 4 weeks later.

Over the years she shared her healing mastery and incredible ability to intuitively 'read' the body and help others to activate their own self-healing potential and regenerative capabilities with her private clients and students.

On her quest in searching for the answers to amplifying our human potential she was initiated to the ancient creator frequency called Sentaura which enhanced her abilities to tap into source frequencies to create very specific sacred geometry source key codes which heal the body, unlock people's dormant DNA and activate their highest energetic blueprint (GoldPrint), soul gifts and abilities. 

Natali Brown is a keeper of sacred wisdom and seamlessly merges ancient teachings with modern times. Infusing her practices with the Sentaura® Healing Frequency, she redefines energy healing. She is an incredible space holder and skillfully integrates potent multi-dimensional healing techniques such as bio-rhythm restoration, genetic DNA and source code upgrades, frequency architecture, sound therapy, Shamanic Practices, Diamond Lightbody and Crystal Light Body Technology™, advanced crystalline energy work, light language, co-creative healing with Guardians of the Cosmos and Earth Realms, healing from Mother Gaia, plant medicine and sacred geometry. As a visionary, she nurtures healers and leaders to shape the Golden Age of Gaia and raise the consciousness of humanity, sculpting a future woven with threads of spiritual illumination.