Nate, originally from Paris with Laotian heritage, has been immersed in the art of dance since childhood. Raised in the vibrant Lao Community party scene, his teenage years were filled with house parties, nightclubs, and free-spirited gatherings in nature. Nate discovered the transformative power of dance early on, finding solace and joy in its rhythms.
Nate wears many hats: from guiding you through ecstatic dance as a trauma-informed facilitator and setting the mood with his DJ skills, to utilising his skills as an NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist and meditation teacher to enhance your experience. With his diverse skill set and deep passion for transformation, Nate invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and pure joy through movement, music, and mindfulness.
Get ready to move to the beats curated by Nate himself who is going to create an atmosphere where you can let loose, surrender to the music, and unleash your creativity through movement. With his carefully selected tracks, Nate sets the stage for an unforgettable ecstatic dance experience.