Nature Based Outdoor Network South Australia

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NBONSA is the peak body for nature-based outdoors organisations in South Australia.

We collaborate with people and organisations to advocate for a sustainable and inclusive nature-based sector, encouraging more South Australians to be active in the outdoors.

Our members are made up of clubs, businesses, not for profit organisations.

Our Objectives

  • undertake activities and communication that support participation in inclusive, safe and sustainable nature-based outdoor activities in South Australia
  • promote opportunities to improve the health and lifestyle of all South Australians through nature based outdoor activities
  • provide expertise, guidance and advocacy for the development and maintenance of nature based outdoor activities throughout South Australia
  • provide an avenue for communication to and from state and national bodies, government and other relevant organisations to ensure the voices of nature based outdoor organisations are heard and incorporated in all major decisions
  • provide opportunities for organisations to link together and develop common policies, actions and services such as social justice actions