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Neelam Taylor

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I'm Neelam, an Intuitive Holistic Coach and Breathwork Practitioner, with over 25 years in the wellness industry, and a lifelong student of esoteric, personal and spiritual practices.

My soul’s purpose is to be of service to others in the awakening and healing of one's true nature and authentic self.

Through an embodiment psychotherapeutic approach, Yoga, Tantra, Breathwork,  and Intuitive Coaching, my work is focused on clients learning to shift unhealthy patterns, limiting beliefs, regulate and balance the Autonomic Nervous System, and heal Inner Child, Ancestral and family core Wounding and Trauma.

With radical life changing results that will improve your quality of life, emotional and physical health, relationship to self and others and general wellbeing and happiness.

My professional studies in Yoga and Spirituality have taken me to many corners of world, from India, Egypt, Central & South America, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, and Bali.  I have an Advance Diploma in Holistic Counselling – Body based Psychotherapy and I am a Certified Yoga, Pranayama Breathwork and Meditation Teacher. I have trained in many healing modalities, that I use and assist me in my work with clients.