Nicholas Mumford

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Nicholas Mumford is a leading management executive in the energy and resources industry, having led and delivered numerous successful projects in oil, gas and mining across Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

Over two decades, Nicholas held commercially focused leadership roles at both Santos in Adelaide and Shell in Europe, providing both strong business and capital investment management advice underpinned by technical and operational experience.

Nick’s passion for renewable energy and sustainability led him to co-found his start-up company Greenhill Energy in 2019, an integrated solution-based manufacturer, focussed on upcycling sustainable biomass and landfill waste into low-cost clean hydrogen energy and high-value industrial products such as urea fertlisers and synthetic fuels.

With a master vision of positioning South Australia as the ‘Silicon Valley’ of the global hydrogen supply chain, and leveraging his experience in renewable energy and the hydrogen economy, in 2021 Nicholas co-founded South Australian Hydrogen Hubs Incorporated (SA-H2H™) to help build hydrogen supply chain scale in South Australia.

Nicholas is a strong believer in utilising the circular economy to unlock ways to deliver real and tangible outcomes to decarbonise Australia’s supply chain as we strive to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.