Currently her time is spent running her business BLUE K1NGDOM in Braidwood NSW and in part time private practice.
Nicki has extensive experience working with creative and purpose focused individuals in private practice and within organisations including -
Singing / Music Tuition schools, Indigenous drug & alcohol rehabilitation services, Disability Services, Educational Organisations &
Health / Mental Health Services.
Nicki is a Registered Art Therapist & Facilitator of space for the integration of healing - Specialising in Shadow Work, Facilitating transpersonal guidance and counsel – facilitating creative/art & transpersonal transformational workshops.
She is dedicated to collaborating with other incredible humans to bring you a diverse range of healing opportunities, that include processes work and creative therapies, guided visualisations, therapeutic transpersonal/spiritual support, inner healing and shadow work.
BA Communications, Ass Deg. Transpersonal Art Psychotherapy
Diploma Media & Communications & More.