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Nitya is an International Channel, hailing from Scotland, for 16+ years she's an Energy Healer, (empowered) Empath, Psychic, Channel, Crystal Healer and Lemurian Elder. She's been working with Multi-Dimensional Healing professionally since 2006 and personally her entire life. She founded a Spiritual Centre in Scotland where she honed her skills as an Accredited Practitioner, Teacher and Teacher Trainer whilst at the front line navigating ascension, bringing through new energies and teaching clients how to find their unique skills.  

Her life's work is teaching others how to tap-into their full potential as a Being of Light, activating their Divine Gifts.

Nitya hears and heals the Land, Ley Lines, Crystals, writes and delivers Courses and Accredited Practitioner Training Internationally in Healing, Energy, Chakras, Crystals, Channelling, Empowered Empath and Vibrational Living. 

Nitya loves exploring Energy in all its forms, fascinated by the variances between Northern and Southern hemisphere's vibrations, chakra energies and needs for balance. 


.....Very beautiful and amazing knowledge across the field, in depth with an honest and authentic approach. I highly recommend ifyou seek higher frequency learning. "K"

.....A great experience for me to feel guided safely and confidently using new psychic tools....simple yet stretched my current abilities giving me more ground to build upon. Nitya is great fun and really grounded. I highly recommend [this course] to become more spiritually connected and personally empowered. "D"

....This woman, her gifts and offering are so needed in this time. Thank you "Z"

....I received a beautiful crystal healing from Nitya , I was looking to create more inner peace and couldn’t find the answer in myself after years of looking for it… well Nitya found the wound for me …. I feel very grateful and empowered to find more peace within myself . I highly recommend her sessions … She comes to your home .. "O"

.....Nitya is a pure channel, she emanates such a clarifying presence and sharp wisdom. I had never been drawn to crystal healing but I now believe in its power. It feels like simple, potent attunements & re-alignment to an expanded state of perception