Noa Rotem is a a theatre and movement performer, director, facilitator and Somatic Movement Educator. She has worked and trained extensively in Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, France, the Philippines and New York City and is a graduate of the Soma School of Body-Mind Centering ® (Paris), HaKvutza School of Dance (Tel Aviv), University of Sydney and of the Actor’s College .
In Australia, she has performed with and directed for companies such as NORPA, Canberra Theatre Centre, Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre, La Boite, Little Dove Theatre Art, BelcoArts and The Danger Ensemble. Overseas, she has worked with a large array of companies such as SITI Company (NYC), Meta Theatre (The Philippines), The Human Theatre (Israel), ISTA.
Noa has taught widely at a range of international professional companies (eg QLD Ballet, HK Academy of Performing Arts, QUT, University of Asia and The Pacific), secondary schools and youth companies.
Noa’s training includes dance improvisation, Body-Mind Centering®, Butoh, Gaga, Contact Improvisation, The Viewpoints, The Suzuki Method of Actor Training, The Morris Technique,, Practical Aesthetics, The Meisner Technique, and Yoga.