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Northside Wines

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Northside Wines is a large format wine bar/restaurant in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. 

We began our journey in November 2019, focusing on alternative wines from independent Aussie farmers and winemakers alongside delicous modern Australian cuisine. 

In March 2020 covid hit, at only 4 months old we knew we had to put our heads together and find away to survive whilst keeping our staff employed.  

Our wine masterclass in a box was born one night, after many glasses of wine. The home wine tasting with weekly Zoom masterclass started off with 30 deliveries per week but shortly went up to 500 boxes being hand delivered all over Melbourne by out of work hospo workers. We even posted packs all over Australia so people could connect with loved ones interstate. 

Once Melbourne reopened, we brought these masterclasses back in house.  We now run weekly wine masterclasses, which continue to be affordable and accessible to people all over Melbourne.