Oklahoma Firefighters Foundation, a non-profit foundation to help burn victims, first responders and their families. The OKC 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb is our annual fundraising event that helps cover the costs to assist first responders and their families in the time of need while their loved one is hospitalized in the Oklahoma City Metropolitan area.
The foundation originally started as the Firefighter's Clown Society on April 5, 1983 to educate youngsters on fire safety. The first burn Apartment was started in 1988 after a volunteer firefighter from Morris was electrocuted. In 2010 the Oklahoma Firefighters Foundation was created in place of the Firefighter's Clown Society took over all financial responsibility.
In 2012, the Oklahoma Firefighters Foundation had the inaugural OKC 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb event as it's primary fundraising event to support the burn apartment.
Email coordinator@okcstairclimb.com