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One Heart Foundation

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                               Empowering children in East Africa to break free from poverty and fulfil their potential. 


593 million children are growing up today in multidimensional poverty. 719 million children are living in extreme poverty. Children who are born into poverty are more likely to live in poverty as adults.

Together, we can change this reality. We can break the systemic cycle of poverty by addressing its root causes, creating healthy and sustainable communities where people thrive. The One Heart model is a holistic and multifaceted approach, connecting to a wider global framework set out by the United Nations (UNSGDs) and UNICEF.


A safe place to call home

We start with providing life’s absolute fundamentals - things like shelter, safety, nutrition and sanitation; in a warm, welcoming family atmosphere.

Health & wellbeing

We take a 'whole of child' approach - supporting and nurturing the cognitive, physical, behavioural, social and emotional development of each child in our care.

Education & training

We provide a quality, well-rounded education - one that spans traditional academic studies, sports, arts and STEM, as well as core life skills - problem-solving, collaboration, self-knowledge and contributing to the community. We also offer vocational training opportunities, ensuring that all students have a pathway to meaningful employment.


We establish sustainable systems that support individuals, families and communities to thrive - breaking the poverty cycle once and for all.