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Orange Regional Arts Foundation

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Established in 1984, the focus of the Orange Regional Arts Foundation is to support and encourage activities in the Arts. Our decisions on how this support is offered are based on close communication and co-operation with the Arts organisations and facilities in Orange. These are:

The Orange Regional Gallery

The Orange City Library (member of Central West Libraries)

The Orange Civic Theatre

The Orange Regional Conservatorium

The Orange Regional Museum

Salaries, administrative costs and maintenance of these institutions are funded primarily by the Orange City Council, with some assistance from State and Federal Governments where the operations fit their guidelines.

It is the object of the Foundation to augment this basic support with funds for the expansion and improvement of these institutions in the facilities and services they offer to the public and their activities generally.

The Foundation’s Memorandum of Association specifically prohibits it from interference in the policies or conduct of its beneficiary institutions.

Funds for this purpose are generated through investment of the Foundation’s asset accumulation that is managed to yield a balanced mix of income and capital growth. The original target for asset accumulation was $1million.

From time to time the Foundation responds to requests from other groups in the community or can initiate projects not directly associated with the city’s arts institutions, that it feels will enhance the cultural life of the Orange Community. Such groups have been the City of Orange Eisteddfod Society and Arts out West.