Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit's logo

Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit

Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit's logo
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Operating under the umbrella of the Ōtorohanga District Development Board, the Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit is bringing creativity to the community via workshops, events and exhibitions.

The kaupapa of the Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit is to connect communities together, specifically the creative community with the larger community to build constructive relationships for creative people and create pathways to creativity for the community.

We believe creatives should be paid fairly for their skills so the workshops are priced to cover their hours, materials and venue and any extra made is then put back into the kete to reduce the costs of future workshops, to provide free places in some workshops or to put on free events for the community

Please  follow this page to receive new workshop notifications and follow/like us on Facebook/Instagram and share or tag people in our posts to get more of our community informed and engaged. 

Aroha nui

Rebecca - Creative Coordinator - Ōtorohanga Creative Conduit