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Our Sacred Circle with Libby Lee

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Libby Lee of Our Sacred Circle, based in the Southern Highlands of NSW, is a heart centred ceremony woman offering meaningful and transformative healing experiences facilitating Sound Journeys and Sacred Cacao Ceremonies. 

Having a strong belief in the healing powers of music, sound, and frequency, Libby holds a certification in Sound Healing and has a deep commitment and passion for this work. She is currently in the final stages of completing her Practitioner's Diploma for 1-to-1 Sound Healing Therapy. She was introduced to Cacao as a sacred heart medicine during a Mayan Ceremony whilst in Mexico. This profound and deeply moving experience led Libby to bring this sacred medicine into her own personal practice, and from there she felt called to share this very special and sacred gift with her community.

Libby's vision is to bring community together within a safe and sacred space for people to connect, heal and grow. 'As above, so below', Libby believes that through this process of inner healing, we can help heal the world.