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Peace Love Om Yoga

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Namaste Yogi's and Yogini's!

I'm Laura, and I'm passionate about sharing all things 'YOGA'.

The focus of my teachings is to develop awareness and connection to self for all that gift me with the privilege of coming to my classes and events, in addition to holding a safe space to receive deep nurturing and nourishment. 

The birthing of Peace Love Om Yoga stands for...

Peace; within ourselves through the anchor of the breath, mindful and slow movement utilising gentle Hatha yoga, surrender and active rest through Restorative yoga, and presence and acceptance utilising breathing and self awareness techniques, and meditation.

Love; of self and others, heart connection and living life with an open heart.  I believe ultimately we are here to embody love for ourselves first and foremost, and the collective. To give and receive unconditional love. 

Om; Sacred sound, using mantra for purification and finding our voice, being heard and connecting to the universe.

Yoga; a transformative journey to liberation and freedom.  

Yoga is the coming home to self, a science, and complete holistic framework to living a life of pure joy and bliss.

My yoga teaching comes from a 200 hr registered training in Bali at the Yoga Barn with Emily Kuser from High Vibe Yoga, a 300hr registered Yoga Coach Master Training with Mark Breadner, in addition to 14 years of self practice, and a 16 year clinical medical career.

All of my classes provide modifications and use a wide variety of props.  The more props the better - especially for Restorative yoga featured in every class.

I am also passionate about running my Being Woman; Inner Season's Workshops for women to create menstrual cycle awareness - improving women's health outcomes, and foster more self acceptance, love and compassion for the gifts each season provides.

Love & light,

Laura xx