Pia is a breathwork facilitator, bodyworker and wellness advocate with a deep love for creation and connection amongst the planet. Having experience and training in Zen Thai Shiatsu and Aroma Touch techniques, Pia now combines these with conscious connected breathing, ancient pranayama techniques and movement to enhance mental, emotional and spiritual states of well-being.
After discovering the benefits of conscious breathing in 2019, Pia has dedicated her life to sharing these transforative techniques with others. Pia is committed to providing a safe space for others to experience their wholeness, and integrates the grounding elements of holistic wellness to ensure you return back to yourself with clarity and ease.
Passionate about healing and personal growth, Pia believes in empowering individuals to live life to their fullest potential. As a performance maker, she brings a creative and artistic approach to her facilitations, enabling her clients to express themselves fully and authentically in all aspects of their being.