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Pride WA

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To encourage and promote the community and culture of Western Australia’s gender and sexually diverse people by supporting, advancing and educating the specific needs of all people of diverse sexuality and gender living in Western Australia.


Our vision is to be the leading community body, empowering and inspiring inclusivity for Western Australia’s gender and sexually-diverse community.

As a community, arts and cultural organisation, it is Pride WA’s mission to promote and encourage the community, culture and artistic expression of all people of diverse sexuality and gender living in Western Australia. We aim to provide a platform for celebrating that community, culture and talent as they continue to champion their rights and freedoms.

Our public charitable objectives are:

  • Providing outreach and support for people of diverse sexuality and gender living in Western Australia;
  • To celebrate the diversity and cultural expression of the Pride Community;
  • To consequentially improve the self-esteem, health status and representations of the Pride Community;
  • To make visible the positive contribution the Pride Community makes to the wider Western Australian Community;
  • To conduct fundraising activities to ensure the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Association;
  • Providing education and referral resources around diverse sexuality and gender; Raising awareness and driving meaningful change around the needs of people of diverse sexuality and gender living in Western Australia.